1. These people are intelligent, humorous, determined, truthful, driven, compassionate, blunt, fiery, competitive, confident, and envious. They will find love early but will take some time to actually enter into marriage. Though they spend quite a bit, they are usually in a position which allows them to earn enough to satisfy their needs. These are the people who are born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th of any months. 2. Born under the rule of the Moon, these people are well liked everywhere they go. They tend to drift off into daydreams and don’t have very high self-esteem. They adapt to each situation as required and this makes it difficult to predict their actions. They have the power of foresight and are always ready to give their all for the people they love. They are born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th. 3. Religion is very important to this group. They are conscious of their social standing and do whatever it takes to climb higher, even if they end up hurting others in the pro...